15 young leaders from Palmira were certified in political advocacy

Quince jóvenes integrantes de la Escuela de Liderazgo Juvenil Delagente en Palmira, se graduaron de Incidencia y Liderazgo Político.

After finishing their training period, 15 young members of the Delagente Youth Leadership School in Palmira graduated and received their certification in Advocacy and Political Leadership, in a ceremony that took place in the main hall of the Parque Urbano Recreation Center South of the Family Compensation Fund Comfenalco Valle Delagente.

In said act, the knowledge acquired by the participants was highlighted and how they transformed their expectations and actions towards their community, territory and society in general. 

This initiative created and promoted by Comfenalco Valle Delagente, was born as a response to the need to strengthen the capacities for political advocacy and social transformation of the youth of Cali, who participated in the different movements of the National Strike and today continues to be a reality. thanks to the support of strategic allies such as the Palmira Mayor's Office and the Bogotá Public Services company.

"This space is an open door, so that in the future, we can manage and execute initiatives that facilitate our participation in leadership spaces in Palmira and the region," said Sebastián Jiménez, Municipal Youth Councilor.

"We believe that through these training spaces we are empowering more young people to improve their social and political situation and, together, we build the territory of peace and opportunities that we dream of," said Ana Ximena Vallejo, Head of National and International Cooperation. Comfenalco Valle Delagente.

Additionally, the Delagente Youth School opened new offices to promote the social and political participation of young people in Andalusia, Cartago, Tuluá and soon in Candelaria and Buga.

Why was this initiative born within Comfenalco Valle Delagente?

  • It was born as a way of ratifying the commitment of the Compensation Fund with the social development of the region and, especially of the young people of Valle del Cauca.
  • Due to the social, economic and political situation of the youth of the city.
  • As a consequence of the social outbreak that was generated around the National Strike.
  • Thanks to the prominence that young people gained in the social movement.


Comfenalco Valle Delagente 

Family Compensation Fund of Valle del Cauca.

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